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学术报告(20170330)Interlayer couplings in two-dimensional materials

报告题目: Interlayer couplings in two-dimensional materials
报告人: JI, Wei
报告人单位: Department of Physics, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
报告时间: 3月30号周四上午9:30 - 11:30
报告地点: 科技楼北410会议室
  In this talk, I summarize our recent progresses on the modelling of interlayer interactions of various two-dimensional materials, e.g. weakened van der Waals interaction in twisted graphene1 and ReS22, covalent-like quasi-bonding in PtS23/PtSe24 and BP5,6, and subtle balance between inter- and intra-layer interactions in organic molecules7. In addition, air stability of BP was theoretically and experimentally investigated, which reveals the atomic details for the air degradation of BP8.
1.Jiang-Bin Wu et al., ACS Nano 9 (7), pp 7440–7449 (2015).
2.Xiaofeng Qiao et al., Nanoscale  8, 8324-8332 (2016)
3.Yuda Zhao et al., Advanced Materials  28 (12), 2399–2407 (2016)  
4.Yuda Zhao et al., Advanced Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201604230
5.Jingsi Qiao et al., Nature Commun. 5, 5475 (2014)
6.Zhxin Hu et al., Nanoscale  8, 2740 (2016)
7.Yuhan Zhang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.  116, 016602 (2016)
8.Yuan Huang et al., Chem. Mater., 28 (22), pp 8330–8339  (2016)
  Dr. JI, Wei is a computational physicist, working in the field of surface and interface modeling of low-dimensional materials. His research interests include surface and interface modeling of emerging electronic materials and devices. Recently, he is interested in theoretical modeling of electronic, optical, and vibrational properties of two-dimensional materials. He has been also developing theoretical methods for describing beam effects in scanning transmission microscopy and understanding ultrahigh resolution in noncontact atomic force microscopy. He received his Ph.D in condensed matter physics from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science in 2008. Prior to joining Renmin University of China, he spent four years in McGill University as a visiting scholar and then a postdoctoral fellow. He was originally appointed as an Associated Professor by Renmin University in 2010 and was early promoted to Full Professor in 2014. He was supported by the national Young Top-Notch Talent Program in 2014 and the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars in 2016, and awarded Chang-Jiang Young Scholars in 2015.  He also serves as trustees in the youth committee and computational materials science division of the Chinese Materials Research Society.

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