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学术报告(20160329)Inverse Compton processes in gamma-ray binaries

报告题目: Inverse Compton processes in gamma-ray binaries
报告人: 郑广生 教授
报告人单位: 香港大学
报告时间: 2017年3月29日(周三) 14:30
报告地点: 东七楼,427室(四楼)
  He will discuss the contribution of inverse Compton processes between the relativistic electrons/poistrons of pulsar wind and various of soft photon sources in two type of gamma-ray binaries, i.e. low mass binaries and high mass binaries. The first type of soft photons comes the companion star which can produce an orbital modulated gamma-ray component. The second type of soft photons is emitted by the accretion disk surrounding the pulsar. This inverse Compton component should not depend on the orbital phase. However in particular for long orbital binaries if the accretion disk around the pulsar is formed during the passage of pulsar passing through the companion stellar disk, then the disk can only survive for short period of time and consequently an orbital modulated gamma-ray component occur.
  2007-2008  The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong  Acting Director, School of Biological Science.2000-2005  The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong  Head, Dept of Physics.1999- Present  The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong  Chair Professor.1994-99  The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong  Professor.1992-94  The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong  Senior Lecturer.
1988-92  The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong  Lecturer .
1987-88  Wollongong University, Australia  Lecturer.1984-87  University of Illinois, U.S.A.  Postdoctorate

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