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姓名:刘力 中共党员


电话:+86 027 87558393




2017.05 - 现今: 金沙8888js官方,副教授;

2014.09 - 2017.01: 意大利Trento大学物理系博士后;

2012.07 - 2014.09: 华中科技大学自动化学院/金沙8888js官方博士后;

2006.09 - 2010.12: 金沙8888js官方,获理学博士学位;

2003.09 - 2007.07: 金沙8888js官方,获理学学士学位。

主要科研领域及成果/Research interests:


主要致力于在地面用精密扭摆模拟空间惯性传感器的工作状态,从而调研空间惯性传感器中可能存在的微小扰动及噪声。在华中科技大学学习与工作期间,研制与改进了一系列精密的扭摆系统,以对空间惯性传感器的性能进行直接检验,评估了惯性传感器中导电丝的影响并发展了基于扭摆和复摆的超低频地面振动抑制方法。在意大利工作期间,参与了LISA Pathfinder的在轨数据处理与分析,具体包括在轨标定,电荷与杂散电势的测量与补偿,同时也在集成干涉仪以提高扭摆对力矩的检测能力方面开展了部分预先研究工作。


[1] M. Armano , H. Audley, … , L. Liu, …, et al, Charge-Induced Force Noise on Free-Falling Test Masses: Results from LISA PathfinderPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 118, 171101.

[2] M. Armano , H. Audley, … , L. Liu, …, et al., Sub-Femto-g Free Fall for Space-Based Gravitational Wave Observatories: LISA Pathfinder Results, Physical Review Letters, 2016, Vol. 116, 231101.

[3] M. Armano , H. Audley, … , L. Liu, …, et al., Constraints on LISA Pathfinder’s self-gravity: design requirements, estimates and testing procedures, Class. Quantum Grav. 2016, Vol. 33, 235015.

[4]. L. Liu, X. Ye, S. C. Wu, Y. Z. Bai, J. Luo and Z. B. Zhou, A low-frequency vibration insensitive pendulum bench based on translation-tilt-compensation in measuring the performances of inertial sensors, Class. Quantum Grav., 2015, Vol. 90, 122001.

[5]. H. Yin, Y. Z. Bai, M. Hu, L. Liu, J. Luo, D. Y. Tan, H. C. Yeh, Z. B. Zhou, Measurements of temporal and spatial variation of surface potential using a torsion pendulum and a scanning conducting probe, Physical Review D, 2014, Vol. 32, 195016.

[6]. L. Liu, Y. Z. Bai, Z. B. Zhou, H. Yin, D. Y. Tan and J. Luo, Measurement of the effect of a thin discharging wire for an electrostatic inertial sensor with a high-quality-factor pendulum, Class. Quantum Grav., 2012, Vol. 29, 055010.

[7]. Z. B. Zhou, Y. Z. Bai, L. Liu, D. Y. Tan, H. Yin, A two-stage electrostatic controlled torsion pendulum facility to investigate performances of an inertial Sensor, 9th LISA Symposium, Paris, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 467, 235.

[8]. Z. B. Zhou, L. Liu, H. B. Tu, Y. Z. Bai and J. Luo, Seismic noise limit for ground-based performance measurements of an inertial sensor using a torsion balance, Class. Quantum Grav., 2010, Vol. 27, 175012.

[9]. H. B. Tu, Y. Z. Bai, L. Liu, J. Luo and Z. B. Zhou, Ground-based Study of an Inertial Sensor with an Electrostatic-Controlled Torsion Pendulum, Proceedings of the Ninth Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics. 2010, 68.

[10]. H. B. Tu, Y. Z. Bai, Z. B. Zhou, L. Liu, L. Cai and J. Luo, Performance Measurements of the Inertial Sensor with Two-stage Electrostatic-controlled Torsion Pendulum, Class. Quantum Grav., 2010, Vol. 27, 205016.

[11]. Y. Z. Bai, Z. B. Zhou, H. B. Tu, S. C. Wu, L. Cai, L. Liu and J. Luo, Capacitive Position Measurement for High-precision Space Inertial Sensor, Frontiers of Physics in China, 2009, Vol. 4, 2.


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