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办公地址:华中科技大学 逸夫科技楼北804



2010/09-2014/06  华中科技大学光学与电子信息学院 光电信息工程学士学位

2014/09-2019/06  金沙8888js官方 光学博士学位

2019/07-2019/10  武汉光电国家研究中心 国家博士后创新人才支持计划

2019/11-2021/04  美国德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University)航天航空系 博士后

2021/05-2021/06  武汉光电国家研究中心 国家博士后创新人才支持计划

2021/07-至今 金沙8888js官方 副教授


2020年国家自然科学基金理论物理专项 (No.11947209, 18)

2019年博士后创新人才支持计划 (No. BX20190129, 20)

66批博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助 (No. 2019M660180, 12)

华中科技大学研究生创新项目(No. 5003012009, 1)


研究方向为:拓扑光子学、非厄米光子学、自旋光子学和新型微纳光子器件。具体课题包括:(1)光子规范场,光子虚拟维度,光/声拓扑绝缘体/拓扑半金属;(2)光子()自旋轨道耦合;(3) 新型微纳光子器件:非厄米趋肤激光/规范场单模激光,拓扑边界模传感器,规范场光子路由器等。已在Phys. Rev. Lett.; Nat. Commun; Light: Sci. Appl.; Phys. Rev. A/B/Applied; Opt. Express, Opt. Lett.等发表学术论文30余篇,被Science, Nat. Physics, Nat. Commun, Phys. Rev. Lett.等多次引用, 谷歌学术总引用700余次。


[17] C. Qin, F. Zhou, Y. Peng, D. Sounas, X. Zhu, B. Wang, J. Dong, X. Zhang, A. Alù and P. Lu, “Spectrum Control through Discrete Frequency Diffraction in the Presence of Photonic Gauge Potentials,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 133901 (2018).

[16] Y. Peng, C. Qin, D. Zhao, Y. Shen, X. Xu, M. Bao, H. Jia, and X. Zhu, “Experimental demonstration of anomalous Floquet topological insulator for sound,” Nat. Commun. 7, 13368 doi: 10.1038/ncomms13368 (2016). (共同第一作者).

[15] H. Chen, N. Yang, C. Qin, W. Li, B. Wang, T. Han, C. Zhang, W. Liu, K. Wang, H. Long, X. Zhang and P. Lu, “Real-time observation of frequency Bloch oscillations with fiber loop modulation,” Light: Science & Applications, 10, 48 (2021). (共同第一作者).

[14] C. Qin, A. Alù and Z. J. Wong, “Pseudo-spin orbit coupling for light directional routings in gauge-flux-biased microring resonator arrays,” ACS Photonics, under review.

[13] Z. Liu, C. Qin, L. Zheng, S. Ren, B. Wang and P. Lu, “Frequency manipulation of topological surface states through Weyl phase transitions,” Opt. Lett., to be submitted (共同通讯).

[12] L. Zheng, X. Zhu, C. Qin, S. Chen, L. Zhao, Z. Liu, W. Liu, B. Wang and P. Lu, “Acoustic Weyl Semimetals in Synthetic Dimensions,” Phys. Rev. B, under review (共同通讯).

[11] C. Qin, B. Wang, Z. J. Wong, S. Longhi, and P. Lu, “Discrete diffraction and Bloch oscillations in non-Hermitian frequency lattices induced by complex photonic gauge fields,” Phys. Rev. B, 101, 064303 (2020).

[10] C. Qin, Y. Peng, Y. Li, X. Zhu, B. Wang, C. Qiu, and P. Lu, “Spectrum Manipulation for Sound with Effective Gauge Fields in Cascading Temporally Modulated Waveguides,” Phys. Rev. Appl. 11, 064012 (2019).

[9] C. Qin, L. Yuan, B. Wang, S. Fan, and P. Lu, “Effective electric-field force for a photon in a synthetic frequency lattice created in a waveguide modulator,” Phys. Rev. A 26, 063838 (2018).

[8] C. Qin, Q. Liu, B. Wang, and P. Lu, “Photonic Weyl phase transition in dynamically modulated brick-wall waveguide arrays,” Opt. Express, 26, 20929-20943 (2018).

[7] C. Qin, B. Wang, and P. Lu, “Frequency diffraction management through arbitrary engineering of photonic band structures,” Opt. Express, 26, 25721-25735 (2018).

[6] C. Qin, B. Wang, H. Long, K. Wang, and P. Lu, Nonreciprocal Phase Shift and Mode Modulation in Dynamic Graphene Waveguides,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34, 3877-3883 (2016).

[5] C. Qin, B. Wang, H. Long, K. Wang, and P. Lu, “Bloch mode engineering in graphene modulated periodic waveguides and cavities,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 32, 1748-1753 (2015).

[4] C. Qin, B. Wang, H. Huang, H. Long, K. Wang, and P. Lu, “Low-loss plasmonic supermodes in graphene multilayers,” Opt. Express, 22, 25324-25332 (2014).

[3] Lu Ding, C. Qin, F. Zhou, L. Yang, W. Li, F. Luo, J. Dong, B. Wang, and P. Lu, “Efficient Spectrum Reshaping with Photonic Gauge Potentials in Resonantly Modulated Fiber-loop Circuits,” Phys. Rev. Appl. 12, 024027 (2019). (共同第一作者).

[2] Q. Liu, C. Qin, B. Wang, and P. Lu, “Scattering singularities of optical waveguides under complex modulation,” Phys. Rev. A, 101, 033818 (2020). (共同第一作者).

[1] W. Li, C. Qin, T. Han, H. Chen, B. Wang, and P. Lu, “Bloch oscillations in photonic spectral lattices through phase-mismatched four-wave mixing,” Opt. Lett., 44, 5430-5433 (2019). (共同通讯).

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