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易林,男, 1963年1月出生,博士,中共党员。金沙8888js官方教授(1999年6月-至今),博士生导师兼任《量子电子学报》编委和教育部优博论文评审专家。1983年湖北大学物理系毕业,1988年武汉大学物理系获硕士学位,1999年在香港科技大学物理系获理学博士。1991年-1992年访问德国杜伊斯堡大学从事无序磁性材料的研究。1999年-2002年在新加坡国立大学从事量子输运理论研究。2005年-2011年先后兼任金沙8888js官方副主任、副院长。主持完成中物院ICF专项课题两项和国家自然科学基金(项目编号:19204004)。作为主要成员参与国家973课题受限磁量子体系的耦合及其性能调控研究(项目编号:2006CB921606)。目前,主持中物院ICF两项课题研究。 主要从事低密度金属材料设计制备、温密等离子体物理、光学非线性波理论研究。 发表论文100余篇被他引500多次。


1.Zhu Daming, Gao Hui, Zhang Xingmin, Yang Tieying, Li Li, Yin Guangzhi, Li, Xiuhong, Nicklin Chris, Gao Xingyu, Li Zhong, Yi Lin, Li Xiaolong,Real-time observation of graphene layer growth: Coupling of the interlayer spacing with thickness,CARBON 94,0008-6223(2015)

2.Ren Kuan, Liu Shenye, Du Huabing, Hou Lifei, Jing Longfei, Zhao Yang, Yang Zhiwen, Wei Minxi, Deng Keli, Yao Li, Yang Guohong, Li Sanwei, Lan Ke, Liu Jie, Zhu Xiaoli, Ding Yongkun, Yi Lin,New two-dimensional space-resolving flux detection technique for measurement of hohlraum inner radiation in Shenguang-III prototype,The Review of scientific instruments(RSI)86, 1089-7623 (2015)

3.Zhang Ya, Jiang Wei, Yi Lin, Stopping power of two-dimensional spin quantum electron gases, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 349, 0168-583(2015)

4.Liu Yang, Yi Lin, Hu Xin-Guang, Duan Yong-Fa, Yang Zhi-Zong, Phase retarder based on one-dimensional photonic crystals composed of plasma and mu-negative materials, PHYSICS OF PLASMA 22, 1070-664(2015)

5.He Jun-Rong, Yi Lin, Li Hua-Mei,Self-similar propagation and asymptotic optical waves in nonlinear waveguides,PHYSICAL REVIEW E 90,1539-3755(2014)

6.He Jun-Rong, Yi Lin,Exact optical self-similar solutions in a tapered graded-index nonlinear-fiber amplifier with an external source,OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 320, 0030-4018(2014)

7.He Jun-Rong, Yi Lin,Formations of n-order two-soliton bound states in Bose-Einstein condensates with spatiotemporally modulated nonlinearities,PHYSICS LETTERS A 378,0375-9601(2014)

8.Liu Yang, Deng Lei, Yi Lin,Broadband phase retarder based on one-dimensional Thue-Morse structure containing single-negative materials,OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 333,0030-4018(2014)

9.Xue Li, Xu Bin, Zhao Degang, Yi Lin,First-principle calculations of the electronic, elastic and thermoelectric properties of Ag doped CuGaTe2,INTERMETALLICS 55,0966-9795(2014)

10.Jiang Qingsong, Gao Jian, Wei Helin, Yi Lin,Fabrication of photonic crystal heterostructures by a simple vertical deposition technique,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 49,0022-2461(2014)

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